Tata Birla Madhyalo Laila (2006)

"Tata (Sivaji), Birla (Krishna Bhagawan) are pretty theives. Their dream is to fix a big robbery and settle in life. Turn of events land them at Gajapati's (Bharani) house as servants. Mahalaxmi (Laya), Gajapati's daughter, is in love with Tata. Now, Tata and Birla are given the task to kill Mahalaxmi. To their dismay, it is requested by none other than Gajapati. They continue in the house in the pretext of kiling her while their intentions are otherwise. Laila (Ali) rescues Mahalaxmi from one accident and lands at the same place. Ali in the lady getup of Laila is also in the house to kill Mahalaxmi. Why? What happened to Mahalaxmi? Watch the movie on silver screen. "
Part 1
Part 2

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